Tuesday 16 August 2011

What does ‘Dear Money’ means? – High rate of interest

What did Adolf Hitler meant by ‘Anti-Semitism’? – Anti Jewish policy

Which town/city in India has got a tower (minaar) named after Muhammad Ali Jinnah? – Guntur

Who was the creator of the cartoon characters Mandrake the Magician and the Fantom? – Lee Falk

‘Boston Tea Party’ is associated with which revolution? – American Revolution

At what temperature are the readings of a Centrigade and Fahrenheit thermometer the same? - -40

Which element is common to all acids? – Hydrogen

From which minerals is radium obtained? – Pitchblende

What is the average salinity of sea water? – 35%

The famous ‘Satriya Dance’ of Assam got national recognition in which year? – 2001

The famous city of Bhopal was founded by which Rajput ruler? – Raja Bhola

Where did Subhash Chandra Bose set up the provisional government of Free India? – Singapore

Who was the president of Indian National Congress at the time of partition of India? – J.B.Kriplani

What is ‘Supernova’? – A dying star

Recently, where was NTPC’s 520 MW Tapovan Visnugad Hydroelectric Project inaugurated? – Uttarakhand

Where is the famous Rumtek monastery located? – Sikkim
Which was the first biosphere set up in India? – Nilgiris

The Khasi Community inhabits in which state? – Manipur

On which river has the Hirakud Dam been built? – Mahanadi

Sunday 14 August 2011

Quit India movement was launched in which year? – 1942

Why was non-cooperation movement withdrawn? – Because of the Chauri-Chaura incident

Apart from the Quit India Movement which started on 9th August,1942,what other sensational activity of the freedoms fighters was done on that? – Kakori Mail train robbery

Against whom the Ahmedabad Satyagraha was directed? – British mill owners and government officials

Why did Motilal Neheru and Chittaranjan Das form a separate group known as Swaraj Party within the congress? – It was their reaction to Mahatma Gandhi’s sudden decision to suspend the Non-cooperation Movement

Sundarial Bahuguna is associated with which movement? – Chipko Movement

Who composed Vande Mataram? – Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

Who is called the ‘Father Of Indian National Congress’? – A.O.Hume

During the Indian freedom struggle, what accusation was made against Master Amir Chand, Awadh Bihari, Bal Mukund and Basant Kumar Biswas? – Throwing a bomb on Viceroy’s procession in Delhi

Which was the most significant Act which declared that the sovereignty of the British Empire in India  was in the hands of the British Crown? – The Company’s Charter Act 1833

Who was the pioneer of Indian Renaissance? – Raja Rammohan Roy

Who established Swaraj Party? – Chittoranjan Das and Motilal Neheru

In which year ‘Indian Indepndence League’was formed? – 1942

Who established ‘Federation Hall’? – Anandmohan Basu

15 August is the birthday of a legend. Who is he? – Rishi Aurobindo Ghosh

Who was the first Indian women to get an Olympic medal? – Karnam Malleswari

When was the first Commonwealth games held? – 1930

The International Cricket Council(ICC)has shifted its headquaters from 1 August,2005 from Lords in UK to which country – Dubai

What is the maximum permitted length of  a cricket bat? – 38”

At which Olympic Games Indian Hockey team win its first gold – Amsterdam

When did India win a gold medal in hockey at the Olympics last time? – 1980, Moscow

The term ‘Cannon’is associated with which sports? – Snooker

The term ’16 yards hit’is associated with which sports? – Hockey

The term ‘putting’ is associated with which sports? – Golf

Who was the first bowler to have taken 500 test wickets? – Shane Warne

In which sport is the participant called ‘pugilisi’? – Boxing

‘Pulitzer Prize’ is given for the excellence in which field? – Media

U Thant Award is given in which field? – Social Service

Who was the author of the book ‘Hind Swaraj’? – Mahatma Gandhi

Who is the author of the book ‘Is New York Burning’? – Larry Collins and Domonique Lapierre

Who is the author of the best seller ‘My Life’? – Bill Clinton

Who is the author of the book ‘My Music, My Life’? – Ravi Shankar

Who is the president of the International Court Of Justice? – Rosalyn Higgins

India recently signed an agreement with which country to permit her to operate any number of flights from any point in each other’s territory? – US

Recently from which country Seria pull out its forces after nearly three decades? – Lebanon

The Kyoto Protocol on global warming came into effect from February 2005.All the nations except two have accepted and implemented the protocol in their countries. Which are these two countries? – US and Australia

What is ‘Vande Mataram Scheme’? – A new strategy included in the revised family planning programme yo put emphasis on swaing pregnant women from HIV/AIDS

Which country started competitive exam for the first time? – China